Are you in the know?

Are you in the know?

For many, this is the big movie of the year. Forget Antman or Fantastic 4 from 2015, or Batman v Superman or Captain America from 2016, this eagerly anticipated "superhero" movie is set to break new ground and shake the whole comic book movie industry up. You may have seen the trailer, you may have seen the movie posters and billboards, and if you're one of those in the know, you'll already have worked out which new movie our superhero movie t-shirt is inspired by, if not you'll probably need a clue to work it out (it begins with "D").

The movie came into being rather unconventionally. Those eager to make the film produced a three minute "test reel" in January 2012. They hoped to encourage the studio bosses into making a full length feature - but it didn't work. They were unconvinced this type of "super hero" movie would be popular enough. Mysteriously, in August 2014, the 3 minute film found it's way into the public domain and guess what - there was a hugely positive reaction on social media! The rest, as they say, is history. (incidentally, the content of the test reel was re-created for the movie).  

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